Early Pregnancy scans 8-12 weeks
An examination to determine viability, gestation and identify multiple pregnancies.
An early pregnancy or viability scan is often done to provide reassurance in the very early stages of pregnancy. We should be able to see a heartbeat from 6 weeks onwards, however at this stage it is still very small. These dates are calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP).
Why have an early scan?
Confirm viability of the pregnancy.
Establish how many babies are present.
Ensure the pregnancy is within the uterus and exclude an ectopic pregnancy.
Calculate the gestation of the pregnancy.
How is the early scan performed?
These scans are normally performed through your tummy (trans-abdominally) however with gestations around 6-8 weeks it may be necessary to perform an internal scan (trans-vaginal). This scan is safe for you and baby and should not be painful. A chaperone will be available for internal examinations.
If the sonographer is unable to obtain a diagnosis on the day this will be explained to you with the possible reasons why. You may be advised a repeat examination may be necessary approximately 10 days after the initial scan. You may wish to return to Island Ultrasound for this, however early pregnancy scan fees apply, if not you can discuss the report with your Midwife/GP.
If an abnormality is detected or suspected the sonographer will discuss this with you. You will be given a report and your Midwife/GP will be informed of the result and you will be asked to liaise with them.
What’s included in your scan?
A detailed report confirming all the scan findings with appropriate measurements.
2 black and white thermal images.
What’s not included in your early pregnancy scan
Foetal sexing
3D/4D scanning
Gender/ Sexing scan 16-23 weeks
A gender/ sexing scan can determine the sex of your baby from early as 16 weeks. We ideally prefer from 17 weeks where possible. If the sonographer is able to obtain good views of the gender the prediction rate increases.
Accuracy of foetal sex is not 100% accurate.
If an abnormality is detected or suspected the sonographer will discuss this with you. You will be given a report and your Midwife/GP will be informed of the result and you will be asked to liaise with them.
About your Gender/sexing scan
The sonographer will scan over your tummy (trans-abdominal) using our new state of the art Toshiba Xario 200 ultrasound machine.
What’s included?
2 black and white thermal images.
Pregnancy report.
What’s not included?
3D/4D scanning
3D/4D + Growth and Wellbeing scan from 26-32 weeks
3D/4D scans are an exciting time for you to see amazing detailed pictures of your baby. The best time to have a 3D/4D scan is 26-32 weeks gestation. You can see your baby's facial expressions including smiles, frowns, yawning and thumb sucking. These movements are wonderful to see and never fail to amaze parents.
During the scan we also look at the well being of your baby. This is where we undertake a growth scan where the Estimated Foetal Weight (EFW) is calculated by using measurements from your baby.
What’s included?
2 black and white thermal images
3D/4D scan
Pregnancy report.
What’s not included?
Harmony™ Test - from 10 weeks
We are pleased to be able to offer the Harmony™ Test in conjunction with The Diagnostic Centre in St. Martins.
A non-invasive prenatal test screening for Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and other chromosomal conditions (trisomies 18 & 31).
This test can be requested for singleton or twin pregnancy, including those conceived naturally or by IVF. A scan to confirm single or twin pregnancy and a blood test are required. This test can be performed from 10 weeks. Results normally take 1 week to come back.
For further information about this test please ‘click here’
Heartbeat Bears
Now we can record your baby’s heartbeat during a scan and put
it in this 8” plush bear for you to treasure. We have a range of teddies available from a local supplier. (Check our Facebook page for up-to-date choice) This can be performed at any pregnancy scan after 16 weeks' gestation. The module captures your baby's heartbeat for 20 seconds
and is a beautiful keepsake for expectant parent but also makes a great
gift for Grandparents and family.

Early Pregnancy Scan
Gender Reveal
3D/4D Scans
Growth and Well Being Scan
Harmony Test
Heartbeat Bears

Well Woman
For gynaecological and other scans please visit our 'Well Woman' page.